Overnight Oats

Creative Director

Jeremy Dahl

Associate Creative Director

Becky Nelson Dahl


Branding & Illustration


Queulat Condensed & AZ Cut Script

Brekki is a ready to enjoy grain, nut, seed & sometimes fruit portioned into a perfect single serve cup. It’s a great breakfast for anyone on the go that needs sustainable energy throughout the morning. In a world where everyone is doing the absolute most, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself. brekki was created to solve that, drawing on Australian breakfast culture. Where food isn’t an afterthought — it’s an essential daily routine of preparing wholesome, healthy ingredients and thoughtfully enjoying the time to eat.

Bring on Today. brekki's mission is to help people find balance with well-balanced food. As a meal, a snack or simply a breath of fresh air on a busy day. The illustrations paired with bold colors reflect the healthy ingredients and enjoyment of a great meal. The product is really simple and graphics are a true reflection, making an overall more authentic packaging solution.



Photos and mockup(s) courtesy of BexBrands.